Amos Balongo Blog
Amos speaks on a variety of Motivational and Leadership Topics and presents both keynotes and workshops of all sizes.

Your Mind in Action
Have you wondered why amongst all the organs in our body, the brain was put on top? Some people even say, when you make a

I Make Time
When leaders climb up the corporate ladder, one of the things they say they lose is “time.” It seems to be a given that as

Embrace Change to Grow
We always hear that the only thing constant in this world is change. One of the changes we all have to bear with, is the

I Win Because I Lose
In any competition, we all have an ultimate goal, to win. Who wouldn’t want to be a winner? I am certain the whole global population

A Passing Phase
The whole world is currently in a crisis. I see no need to expound on this because I am certain that you know perfectly well

My People, My Strength
We all aspire to be a leader in our own respective fields. Many see leadership as power, being in command. More than power, leadership is
Motivate, Inspire, & Transform
Book an appointment so we can best work together to accomplish your goals.